Two schemes for providing nutritious food to children and women had been launched by Jagan Mohan Reddy. YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus and YSR Sampoorna Poshana were included in these schemes. The major purpose of both the schemes is to give nutritious food to lactating mothers, pregnant women, as well as children.
Reducing Malnutrition, Anaemia, and Stunted Growth with Nutritious Food
The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh spoke that the need for nutritious women had been high. Problems such as malnutrition had been growing and needed to be stopped. This problem had been more commonly found among the people belonging to the vulnerable sections of the society.
At the time of launching the schemes, it was hoped by the Chief Minister to reduce malnutrition. Along with that, he had expected to provide wholesome food to many children and mothers. It was shared that approximately 30.16 lakh women and children would be receiving help through these schemes.
At least 52.9 percent of expecting women in the state had been affected by acute anaemia. Also, over 31.9 percent of children were not having the appropriate birth weight. Coming to the cases of stunted growth of children, 31.9 percent had been observed. Jagan Mohan Reddy had realized that children and women formed an important part of the society. Ensuring that they do not have to suffer such problems had been one of his concerns.
The scheme YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus had been helpful in supplying nutrition-rich food to at least 77 tribal areas. These areas included 8320 Anganwadi Centres. The other rural and urban areas had been benefitted from the YSR Sampoorna Poshana scheme. It was shared by Andhra Pradesh’s CM that over Rs. 1,863 crores would be spent by the state government for giving effect to these schemes.
In Conclusion
The schemes initiated by the CM of Andhra Pradesh had targeted problems such as malnutrition, stunted growth, and anaemia. These problems had been common among pregnant women and children. The goals of the schemes had been much-appreciated across the state and India.